Saturday, November 18, 2006

Words can't even describe

I can't even begin to explain the weirdness that was last night. Sarah and I both kinda felt like we were in the Twilight Zone. There were the weird group of doctors from Pfizer that were all completely wasted and quizzing us about smoking. Apparently one of the dudes we met is some big shot doctor from Connecticut who has invented some drug to help people stop smoking-it'll be available June 2007, FYI.....Anyway, then there was the doctors weird cousin (Cousin John, was it?), who explained to us (several times) that it is not necessary to wear cammo while deer hunting. Sarah was like "The folks at Bass Pro would be interested to hear that". Dude says all you need is your orange hat and vest. He also asked if Sarah and I were sisters....uh, yea. We tried to convince these drunk fools that we were heading to the east side to go to the strip clubs, but I don't think they bought it. And dude, what was up with that lady? Her bad 80's hair and shoulder pads mixed with her inability to carry on an interesting conversation totally explained why she's 37 and single...geez! People-if that's me at 37, take me out back with my daddy's shot gun and put me out of my misery, ok? What a freak (and not a good kind of freak, cuz I like the good kind of freak). So, we tried to ignore them and carry on our own conversation. The funniest part of the night-Sarah brought a gift certificate she had. I was like, great we can really do some drinking now! The gift certificate was from...........2002!!!! Hilarious...even better? They accepted it.
So, then we moved on to a bar that's close to my apartment. Nice little hole in the wall kinda place. We find a place to sit and not even five minute later some dude put a couple of Budweisers down on our table for us....we were like "uh, thanks?". Neither one of us drink Budweiser, but who is gonna say no to free beer? I was really hoping we weren't then gonna have to be forced to talk to him, which thank God were weren't until much later on. I am sure I am leaving some parts of the night out as right now it's a bit fuzzy-Sarah, feel free to fill in the details....

To all Diet Coke addicts-Schnucks has 12 packs on sale three for $7.88. It's a steal!!!! I rushed right over to my neighborhood Schnucks before they were all gone (and the shelves were already nearly empty!). Go now!!!!

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