Friday, September 30, 2005

Have you ever wondered....

why people automatically start driving like idiots when its raining? What is this about? Is is just St. Louis or is it a global problem? Must look into this....

I am such a dork. I am going to see Weezer and the Foo Fighters next Tuesday in Champaign. For the roadtrip, I burned a CD of all Weezer/Foo songs. What a tool, huh? It's not like I'm not gonna hear those very same songs that night...

I figure when you're single and almost 30, you can do whatever you damn well please, so, if I want to be a total tool, I have the right to be.

Stephen-I'm still trying to decide if I'm gonna let anyone else read this. Rest assured, I will not be selling any hick-hop CD's here....

Tomorrow is Getting Fitted For Bridesmaid Dress Day. While it is exciting as Red's wedding draws closer, I am also filled w/a sense of dread for GFFBDD. Why, you ask? Well, you know women are super sensitive about sizes. Bridesmaid dresses are always sized strangely. A girl who is a size 4 in normal clothes could be anywhere from a 8 to a 10 in bridesmaid dress-land. I remember at my friend Christi's wedding 4 years ago, I had to get a size 14 dress-and I was an 8 to 10 in real clothes. Granted, that was about 40 pounds ago, so I don't think I'll have that problem tomorrow, but still. Some old insecurities never die. Rest assured if the size is not what I want tomorrow, a breakdown may be in the imminent future....

Day 1

I decided to create a blog that I would actually let others read.
If anyone knows where the title came from, I'll give ya five bucks. No cheating.
I really don't have anything to say tonight. Just got home after a long week of working, all I wanna do is sleep...maybe I'll be more creative tomorrow.

Stephen=my blog is better than your blog!