Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Whatta Day

Whew! What a crazy night at the crisis line! I managed to get out only 45 minutes late, that's pretty good. Thank God I have the ability to multitask and do literally five different things at the same time-I couldn't do my job without this skill. The real challenge is doing it with a smile on your face! Today was not bad-I was almost fueled by the craziness. It was like I worked harder, and gained energy from it, never once feeling overwhelmed. Of course, theres always tomorrow....

Hey Heidi and John-funny story for ya. Today Bart and I were mid conversation about something (I have already blocked out what it was) and out of nowhere he goes "hey, have you talked to Heidi and John lately?". I was like "where did that come from?". But I gave him the latest info: surviving hurricanes, iguanas, med school and your crack infested neighborhood. Did I cover it all? Email the poor guy, will ya? I think he was needing some love today, he seemed a bit out of it.... :)

My dear, dear ex Mike advise me my blog has too many words for him to read it. I'm not sure how to dumb it down, and really think he should have the patience to read it since he is a teacher and all....Mike, I cannot even begin to imagine why we didn't work out... :)

So, I am grateful that all my friends are safe from the hurricane. I am sending quiet prayers out for my mom and sister-they know why-I don't want to advertise it. I know everything will be alright though.

Elizabeth-we must reconnect! Sorry our call was so short! I blame you and your 300 kids... :) (you know I love you!).

Thats all. I'm out. I'm oncall for work the rest of the week and pray I don't get a middle of the night call. Being awakened by "the mexican hat dance" ring tone is not at all pleasant. Trust me.


Heidi said...

Would I be considered crazy if I said that I missed the crisis line? Crazier if I said I missed Bart? Tell him "hi". Does he still carry his man bag? Sorry u had a rough day. Oh, and your blog, is wonderful with JUST the right amount of words! :)

KD said...

Thank you Heidi! And,yes, Bart still carries that man-bag. I'm laughing now thinking of the day you told him with a straight face that the man bag was really masculine....that was awesome!