Thursday, October 06, 2005

Dear "Random Person",

Oh, I know your identity all right, but I will not out you at this time.....As for your comment that the Blues suck and Detroit rules...well, the Blues suck part is absolutely correct, I'm not so sure about this geriatric version of the Red Wings.....I wasn't mad b/c the Blues lost yesterday, I was mad b/c the Blues lost to the Wings. I hate it when Random Person is right.....

Hey, Random Person-I was thinking about you the other day. The combination of Weezer, the Foo Fighters and hockey remind me of the times when we blasted the stereo in your dorm room (usually was Weezer's "Pinkerton" and Foo's "The Colour and the Shape") and had hockey fights in the hallway, both w/our jerseys on-I challenge you to a rematch fool!!!!

I don't want to talk too much smack as I don't want the Canadian Mounties to ride down and get me......I'll leave you with this: "Oh Canada, our home and native land. True patriot love, in all thy son's command....."

P.S. Random Person, I think your "Random Brother" is way hot....not as hot as you, of course, but still way hot! :)


Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but haven't you been using the "The Wings are too old" line since about 1996??? I guess sooner or later you will be right.

I am a little disappointed about you leaving off another CD from our usual rotation. How could you leave out Fountains of Wayne??? And any time you feel like you are up for a hockey fight rematch . . . I am right here waiting. And in return I will leave you with this "Jose can you see, by the dawn's early light . . ."

P.S. : How's the Big Conoco these days?

KD said...

The big Conoco is actually now a BP and they took the Taco Bell out. Have no fear though, the new Taco Bell/KFC opens tomorrow! Just in time for you to visit again, Anonymous!

KD said...

You can't handle this, random person! I'll kick your butt anytime! And, yes, I have accused the Wings of being geriatric, this year its true. I mean, come on, Chelios is 44! Yzerman is 40 but he's still hot, so he doesn't count.....
Yankee Doodle