Friday, October 21, 2005

Haunted Houses

Why do I put myself through this torture every year? Haunted Houses always seem fun at the time, but once I am there, I am scared to death! The worst experience was two years ago, a huge group of us got one of those package deals where you get to go to two haunted houses for one price. The first one was fine, pretty standard. The second one, however, was just plain wrong. It was a 3-D haunted CLOWN house!! My worst nightmare come true before my very eyes....anyone who knows me knows I absolutely hate clowns. They are agents of satan. I'm sure of it. Seriously, there is no need to have your face all painted up like that! What are they hiding? And don't even get me started on the balloon animals.....So, on Saturday night, we will be going to a new haunted house, its at the old Noah's Ark hotel in St. Chuck. Can't wait. I can't even drink beforehand to calm my nerves b/c I am on call for work all weekend....I can see it now "Uh, hold on a minute, I'd help you with your case, but I just wet my pants, I'll call ya back". Any credibility I might have would go out the window.
I am very excited to be going shopping w/my sister. We have barely seen each other in two weeks (even tho we live together!). I have to get up earlier than I would like, but its worth it to get to spend some time w/her.

Here's the lesson I learned this week. No matter how shitty things get, I always have the power to be the bigger person. Once you learn to let things roll off your back, you're bound to be much happier.

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