Sunday, October 09, 2005

Stubby the Wonderdog, Part 2

Last night, Stubby discovered her own reflection in the mirror. It didn't go well. She managed to sucker us into letting her in the house (its the country-dogs live outside!), she ran straight for my parents bed as per usual (she really likes pillows), and was laying at the foot of the bed, being a good girl, no big thang, that is, until she stood up. Once she saw herself in the mirror, she started barking and growling-she clearly did not know it was her. My mom, brother and I could do nothing but laugh b/c it was hilarious! She wouldn't stop growling.....just when we thought she was kinda bright, she proved that perhaps she isn't so much. Meanwhile, Hank was outside barking his head off b/c he was stuck outside by himself....seriously, they are the funniest animals I have ever encountered!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

WAH! This makes me miss my Sashers even more!!! It reminds me of the time that Sasha had her first encounter with a sliding glass door. She was running full speed ahead until...BAM! She hit the glass door. I froze (before I started crying) while John made sure she was okay. After that, she would always stop and poke her nose in first to make sure she didn't get another concussion. Too cute!