Friday, October 14, 2005

Sometimes work sucks

today would be one of those times. Maybe its just the after effects of being sick all week, I don't know, but today everyone was annoying me. No one was safe from me. I even took it out on Stephen who I adore-Stephen I'm sorry I was cranky!!!! I really don't like feeling that uncontrolable cranky feeling. Luckily, nowadays, I don't get it too often. I can usually fake it. Not today. Every caller was bugging the crap out of me-what the hell is wrong with everyone in Michigan anyway? It was way busy too which I'm sure didn't help. Thank God for good co-workers. The night ended ok-perhaps it was because I had the realization that I am now off for two days. Enough time to regroup, refocus, and be ready for a new week. I'll be fine on Sunday.

I plan to do some hiking and picture taking tomorrow. The leaves are starting to change a bit, gonna go be at one with nature. This will help me relax and get back my sense of calm. Good times. Saturday is my co-worker JuJuane's wedding. Weddings are always good times no matter what. And weddings with Laura Coleman are even better!!! Now if I could just figure out what I'm going to wear....

The Cardinals lost to the Astros today. I'm sure my dad is saying right now "I told you so. The Cardinals aren't going anywhere. Houston has the best pitching, they're gonna win it all". To his credit, dad has been going with the Astros since before the season started. We have a bet going. I may lose. I hate it when he's right (which is often).


Stephen M Bourke said...

Hey, everybody has a bad day now and then. I just want to let you know that you are a big reason why I love coming into work. - sb

KD said...

You know I look forward to "Stephen Days"....we're the best team around!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean "sometimes" work sucks

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