Saturday, October 15, 2005

One wild and crazy Saturday night!

Oh yea, home by 10:00pm on a Saturday night....damn, I'm getting old! I went to my co-worker JuJuane's wedding today. It was beautiful and she was a beautiful bride, although I'm pretty sure her dress weighed about 100 lbs. And the eyelashes Tia helped put on were fabulous! Didn't know anyone but my fellow co-workers, Laura (and her husband Jason), Tia, Aisha and Sue and JuJuane of course. There were like 10 bridesmaids, I'm pretty sure I don't even like 10 people enough to want them to be my bridesmaids....all in all, it was a very nice wedding. The wedding coordinator about fell off her chair when I told her I went to the Ludacris and 50 Cent concert this summer. Hey! This white girl knows whats up, ok? I'm totally down....or not.

Where did the weekend go? Already I have to go back to work tomorrow. Ick. At least it's team meeting know where we sit around, talk about work issues for about 2 minutes and then shoot the shit for the next 30....I'm a REAL tough supervisor! My team is the only team that has a mascot though...its a Justin Timberlake bobblehead w/a local realtors face taped to it (don't ask...) wearing a Cardinals hat...I make people carry it in to the board room for our meetings. I know, I need least I have fun! Team Sunday RULES!

Here's to a good week. As my old drunk-ass neighbor used to say "Happy October to ya".

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