Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This is why Pujols will be MVP

That dude is amazing! And hot. Last night was just fabulous. Everyone knows I'm not the biggest Cards fan in the world, but even I was caught up in the excitement of that 9th inning home run to take the game from those nasty Astros. Cards fans faith has been renewed! It's back to Busch now, baby! Now, hopefully, my friend Cheryl doesn't have to have a breakdown just quite yet.

Little side note, I was home in Salem a couple of weeks ago with my sister and we were going through old pictures for the customary slide show for her wedding. I begged her not to display my mullet years (4th grade, 1985), but I don't think she listened. Anyway, I was going through one drawer where our mom had saved various clothing items-our dresses from our first day of kindergarten, the outfits we came home from the hospital in, things like that. Now I'm getting to the point of this story.....tucked in the back I discovered this little red t-shirt (3/4 length red sleeves) from the 1982 World Series-yep, the last time the Cards won. I believe it was our grandma who got my sister and I those t-shirts-you may have seen them, they replicated them last year (she also got us autographed pictures of Ozzie Smith and Willie McGee!). Anyway, it brought back all kinds of memories (mind you, I was 6 in 1982) from that series. I remember mom and dad letting us stay up late to watch the games (my sister was 4). I remember how exciting it was even if I didn't understand what was going on. I remember my massive crush on Keith Hernandez (I always was a sucker for first basemen) and my sister's crush on Tommy Herr (ah, those golden curls...). I remember thinking Ozzie Smith was the greatest guy alive because not only was he an awesome shortstop, but he also did flips! I remember Bruce Sutter pitching, and Darrell Porter behind the plate. I remember thinking the baseball Cardinals and the football Cardinals were the same team b/c they both had guys w/the last name of Smith.

I just want to thank that shirt for bringing back such great memories. Even though I took a turn to the dark side in the late '80's and haven't looked back, my childhood Cards memories live on. I hope St. Louis gets to see another run at the championship b/c God knows we won't be seeing much from the Rams (1-4) and the Blues (I think also 1-4). Go Cards!

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