Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Make it stop!

Ok, so I am at my part-time job tonight. This, after I spent the entire day....doing nothing. Yes, my plans to be productive on my day off turned out not to be. I was a lazy, lazy bum. And I loved it. I spent my morning finishing the 5th Harry Potter book, playing on the internet a bit (dreadful with that dial-up internet I have at home) and having some lunch. I spent the afternoon watching Dogma (because, after watching the Harry Potter movies, I have this strange fascination with Alan Rickman. He is just so good at playing a jackass. I love it!), although I did fall asleep near the end of it (must have been that Ben Affleck that did it). Once I awoke, I cleaned my bathroom (very fun) and the proceeded to head out to my part-time job, all the while listening to Christmas tunes in my car.

Which brings me to my original point. It is Wednesday night at the crisis line and Annoying Girl is here. And she is extra loud and sniffly tonight (she is the attention seeking Axis II freak that drives everyone there crazy. Even the nice people, like Shauna, can't stand her!). Anyway, she has already tried talking to me once-Alex and I were discussing movies and I mentioned to him that I was in the midst of watching the Harry Potter movies, when Annoying Girl tried to throw her two cents in. To Alex's credit, he deflected her, I refused to make eye contact, and eventually she turned around and annoyed someone else. The night is young, however. I have another 3 hours with her. Dear God give me strength......


Heidi said...

I could not think of anything worse than her. I bet the sniffles and coughs have become THAT much more dramatic since it is winter and all. I'm actually surprised that the human being is still there.

Hang in there. I feel for ya.

KD said...

Oh Heidi-it's terrible!!! The sniffling, the sitting on the back massager. I can't take it anymore. And the latest? She tried to get on FULL TIME. I hear they shot that one down REAL quick...the latest? I was talking to Murisa about one of her calls and i said "does that dad even know what Abilify is?" and Annoying Girl sticks her nose in and says "it's an antipsychotic." well, you can imagine the look I gave her and I said "uh I know what it is". MUST control my inner rage.... :)