Friday, December 21, 2007

In a better place

I am in a bit of a better place today regarding this whole job situation. Oh, I'm still not too happy, but I'm dealing with it. I figure God has given me this challenge for a reason, and I will do my darnedest to succeed. I had to call all my reviewers today and tell them I would no longer get to speak to them-it was very sad (one almost made me cry!), when you work with someone for a year and a half and talk to them on the phone daily, you kinda build rapport and a bond. And as one of them said to me "I don't like change". Me either, but sometimes it has to happen.

So, I am aware that Christmas is on Tuesday, but what I didn't fully comprehend was that I have a four day weekend ahead of me-hell yea!!!! Then only three work days next week-yay! I'm not gonna lie, I am not particularly excited about the holiday, I felt this way last year too but just attributed it to the circumstances in my life at the time. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I will get to spend time with my family and have some time off work, there is just no excitement, it's too much hustle and bustle for me, I guess. I am trying to not be all "bah humbug" but to be quite honest, I just wish all the holidays were over.

Red-you and Jon be very careful driving here tonight!

Everyone please travel safely if you are going somewhere for the holiday, have a good one!

I do have a funny thing to share. God bless my Grandpa-he, for the life of him, could not figure out why his phone line gets tied up when he is on the internet, trying to explain to him how dial-up works is pointless....I think the very fact that Grandpa is surfing the net is funny in and of itself.....

Oh, and for the record-Mike Tinnin I love you most! :)

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