Monday, December 31, 2007

It's the end of 2007 as we know it.....

Not sure why that REM song popped into my head, but whatever......HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE people! Anyone else working today? Anyone else gonna work SIXTEEN hours today? No? Come on! All the cool kids are doing it! Yes, after I leave my full-time job today, I am going to the crisis line to work until around 11pm or so, then my friend Tanya and I are gonna go out and pretend we are semi-cool and go get a drink and ring in the new year.....I realize it is quite a stretch to pretend I'm even "semi" cool, but I'm gonna try.

Is there a stomach bug going around? Just wondering.......

I had a fairly uneventful weekend. Drank WAY too much Friday night....I mean, we were at the Blues game, in $125 seats, getting all the free food and alcohol we wanted...and I wasn't driving. You do the math. At some point we thought doing jager bombs was a good idea....then decided we needed to go out after the game...I had received a text from Polster saying that he and his friends were at the Jive and Wail, my new favorite place, so we headed over there after the game...and the drinking continued...oh good Lord, is all I have to say. Needless to say, I was less than productive on Saturday and really yesterday as well. I did manage to get outside and walk a couple of miles since it was 45 degrees, which at this time of year is a warm spell.

Today I was up at 6am since my new work hours officially begin today. 7:30am to 4:00pm. Yee haw. Luckily, things are fairly quiet today in the managed care world, a good sign for the day ahead. Now if only the crisis line will be the same way.....

We have a new theme for 2008. Mikey, I think you'll be on board for this one. Here it is......drum roll please.......2008-let's find a decent date! Whaddya think?

In all seriousness, I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year's Eve. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I hope that 2008 is the best year yet, full of happiness and all that good stuff...yada, yada, yada.

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