Saturday, December 15, 2007

Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

Yes folks, I fell on my ass today-literally. As my mom, her cousin Terry and I were leaving Grandpa's house today, I proceeded to slide right on down all the stairs (ok, so there are only three, but still) and landed right on my rear....and my right wrist. I initially felt no pain, was just pissed because my jeans were now wet....soon, however, the pain in my wrist set in. Now, I know it's not broken or anything like that (I had my Uncle Nick-a radiologist, take a look at it and he pronounced it bruised). It was a good run-it had been quite a while since I'd last injured myself...I knew it couldn't last long. I think I'll live though. Just make it another chapter in the "Kerri is a Klutz" book. :)

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