Monday, December 17, 2007

my level of functioning is declining

Proof that sleep is important: I just tried to drink my can of soda backwards only to have Diet Dr Pepper dribble down my chin. You can start laughing now.


Anonymous said...

That level wasn't too high in the first place

Heidi said...

I still struggle with you being a Dr. Pepper girl. You've always been a diet coke girl and I am having problems with this.

KD said...

Sadly,Canada, I cannot even defend myself because you are right (as always). Some days, I am functioning at about a 70 IQ (that's MR for those that don't know....).

Heidi, it was a switch I made this summer...I don't know why. I feel like I am cheating on Diet Coke and having an affair with Diet Dr Pepper...I just can't help it!