Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Preparan las armas! Apuntan! FUEGO!!!

The title is for my dear, dear sister, who is stuck in San Antonio all week for a conference. The title stems from an inside joke after a family visit to The Alamo a few years back. First of all, have you been to The Alamo? It is rather disappointing, I must say. Not a lot to it. It should also be noted that we were in San Antonio during the Great Flood. Seems it never rains there, however, when we were there it rained about a million inches. Imagine me and my fam touring The Alamo in giant ponchos that say "The Alamo" all over them. Imagine this tour guide who was talking about Daniel Boone as if he knew him ("and then Daniel did this...." "Daniel said...."). Of course, my smart ass asked him if he did actually know him....The title of this post means "Ready, aim, fire!" in Spanish. This is apparently what they yelled as the battle began. My brother, sister and I thought it was funny and said it repeatedly for the remainder of the trip (you have to entertain yourself any way you can when you are in Texas).

Guess you had to be there.


Heidi said...

Hilarious. Love it.

KD said...

i know you can appreciate weird/silly family stories....arkansas anyone???? :)