Thursday, December 20, 2007

Welcome to Pennsylvania

KD is not happy. Not happy at all. Seems the Managed Care Gods HATE me. Today they gave me a big, fat kick in the ass with a side of "Merry effin' Christmas". I was told today (in the form of a compliment) that my facility assignments would be changing and that I would now be managing facilities in Pennsylvania. Let me put it to you this way, the Pennsylvania facilities are much like the bastard child you don't want to admit is yours. The only good news about this whole thing is that Mikey will now be managing them as well, so at least our lives can suck together. Oh yea, and did I mention the MONTHLY trips to Pennsylvania? F that. Truthfully, I'm so mad I could cry, but I won't. I was told this is happening because I am so good at my job....funny, because it feels like a punishment to me.

Thanks for letting me vent.

And Merry effin' Christmas.


Anonymous said...

what makes them like bastard children. Karen

KD said...

i'm not sure, it just sounded good. i was gonna say like "red headed stepchildren", but my aunt has a redheaded stepchild and he's quite a good kid.....put it this way, this contract sucks, they complain all the time, the hospitals fight us DAILY...and did i mention i actually have to GO there? i mean, who dreams of visiting pennsylvania????

kristy said...

Don't hate on Penn. :) You could meet a nice Quaker. :)

Anonymous said...

And what about poor unsuspecting Pennsylvania in this equation?

KD said...

Poor Pennsylvania is right! They won't even know what hit them! I believe Mike and I are moving to this team because we are, for lack of a better term, both bitches. We are tough, and hospitals hate that, that's why managed care has such a bad rap. You know, it has been my experience in every job that I've had that i actually get punished for doing my job well...does that make sense to anyone else?

I ain't meetin no quakers!!! Perhaps i'll buy some Amish furniture when i'm there tho...I already know the contact at one of my hospitals is an asian nun who barely speaks english....yea!