Friday, December 14, 2007

Je suis fatigue!

Ugh-I am feeling ROUGH today. Guess a sleepless night will do that to you. That, and I had a nightmare last night. Seems my job causes me more anxiety than I realized. Over the last week or so, I have been having some difficulty with a particular doctor group in Kansas City that shall remain nameless. I work with these three doctors daily so, really, it is imperative that we get along. It is sometimes hard when I am receiving directives from people much higher up than myself-you know it is the messenger that ALWAYS gets shot. Anyway, I had a dream last night that I was in this huge warehouse hiding because I was in fear of my life....the part I remember is me up on a high shelf trying to hide when those three doctors came in...TRYING TO SHOOT ME! I told my hospital about it this morning-all she did was laugh and assure me that none of them want me dead.

I didn't get home until 10 last night, it was Book Club Christmas party, y'all! There was a twist this year-the Book Club kids came along for the fun. So, we got to hang with Hannah Grace, Grayson and Declan all night-very cool, and very entertaining! Once I got home, something told me to check my email even though I never do at night....I had a message waiting from Canada informing me he may not be home for our scheduled call. Apparently, he was going to a "play" and this "play" would be interrupting our phone time (that's fine Mr. Tessier, but consider us BROKEN UP! Just kidding! You'll always be my Favorite Canadian...did you like my melodramatic voicemail about crying myself to sleep? I thought it was a nice touch...). :) He emailed me back to advise me he got home later than expected from said "play" and knew my old ass would be asleep. On a normal day he would have been correct. Little did he (or I) know that I would be up late anyway with InabilityToSleep-itis and a nagging cough. Pleasant.

So, I am doubling up on the caffeine today. Everyone is having a freakout here about the potential Great Snow Storm of 2007 tonight/tomorrow. I have a million and one things to do tonight and this weekend, so I'm gonna put a special order in for NO snow and/or at least to have all morons/idiots stay out of my way.....THANKS!

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