Thursday, November 24, 2005

The tides have changed

Hank got a taste of the good life tonight. He was allowed inside the house. He doesn't usually get to come in like Stubby does because he is big and, well, dumb (I call him Forrest Gump) and his one bullet wound still has not healed. Tonight, we felt sorry for him as he watched us playing Yahtzee-he stood at the deck door and cried. He didn't quite know what to do once he came inside. He tried going in the living room (a big no-no with the white carpet), dad was convinced he was looking for a place to pee. He couldn't quite figure out how he was supposed to act once inside, so he was banished to the outside again. We later let him back in, he trotted off down the hall to my parents bedroom and his 70+ pound self climbed up on my parents bed (it took quite the effort to get his fat ass up there). Stubby didn't like this at all, as she was kicking back on dad's side of the bed. She barked at Hank who just stared at us. He then laid in mom's lap. His head is bigger than hers. Tim and I then tried to lure both of them into the basement, we figured they could do the least damage there. Hank gave us a big "hell no" about going down those stairs-he was scared to death! (he was also scared of the TV when it was on and his own reflection in the window). Anyway, we finally got them both downstairs where they are currently napping on Tim's old ALF sleeping bag....

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