Sunday, November 13, 2005

Out of the blue....

I got a call from an old friend tonight who I haven't talked to in a year and a half. We'll call this friend C. C and I worked together about 6 years ago and became fast friends. Truthfully, I had a major crush on C and would make excuses to go by his office (why the hell else would I need to go to the accountants office 6x a day?). I think C was diggin me too, so we had this flirtation thing going on. Fast forward to me leaving that job-we began hanging out outside of work periodically, I was finally honest about my feelings and C admitted the same...we sorta dated a bit, then didn't talk for a while, I don't know who stopped taking to whom-this has been our pattern...then a couple of years ago C calls and tells me he moved to NYC...a couple of months after that, C was back in St. Louis, we started hanging out, he pursued me, we dated for a bit, that is, until I freaked out-and this time, it was me that stopped forward again to today. Today was the first time I have heard from C since then. I truly never expected to hear from him again as the way things ended last time were not good-I broke his heart, he was pretty pissed at me, and rightfully so-I was always the one pursuing him, now he was pursuing me and I rejected him. Tonight, talking to C was just like we had talked yesterday-we have such great rapport, laughing, joking, conversation was never a problem. We make awesome friends, I just don't think we were meant to date. Anyway, he suggested we "get together" sometime for drinks, I'm hoping some old patterns do not repeat themselves....he is really cute tho.....

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