Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Dating-a strange phenomenon

Dating is a weird, weird thing to me. Even if you are not a game player, there is still game playing going on. Trying to figure each other out, trying to decide "do I really like this person?" or "do I only want certain things from this person?" (fill in the blanks there). Sometimes, I feel too old for this, dating is hard work, but I realize, if I ever plan on getting married, well, I kinda got to date first (not that marriage is an absolute for me, and I really think I'd be fine without it). I'm in the midst of the dating game right now. As I told my girls-we are currently at the pivotal point-either this guy likes me for me or he is only after one thing. The ball is in his court now-if he calls, I'll know he likes me as a person, if he doesn't...well, I'll know what he was after all along. I am ok with it either way. Life is too short to worry about such things. Besides, there's always those creepy, leering old dudes at Gitto's.....Everyone knows I'm saving myself for Canada anyway! :)


Anonymous said...

I'd be flattered if I was sure that you weren't talking about my brother.


KD said...

But of course I'm talking about YOU, my little Canadian Bacon!!! :)