Friday, November 04, 2005


I never was the kind of gal that cried. Hallmark commercials didn't get me, funerals didn't touch me. I cried privately at times, but even that was a rarity and usually when I was really pissed off about something. Nowadays, however, I cry at anything. Now, I'm not talkin the "I'm depressed and can't go on" crying. No, I'm talking "I can't get through 3 minutes of Three Wishes without the tears flowin" crying. I can't watch A Baby Story, A Wedding Story, or even Ryne Sandberg's(formerly of the Cubs) retirement celebration at Wrigley without crying. I've even been known to cry at All My Children, reading greeting cards, and reading emails from various people. Yes, its official, I am a SAP.

What got me today? See page C3 of the West County Suburban Journal. That's right, my sister's engagement announcement is in there. Now, I've seen the picture before (very good, by the way, Red and Jon look fantastic!) and knew the announcement was coming, but still, as soon as I saw it there and read the words, I cried. I was even crying after reading the OTHER PEOPLE'S announcements-I DON'T EVEN KNOW THEM!!! If I'm this bad now, how in the HELL am I gonna get through the wedding? People-start gathering your water-proof mascara now!!!! I am gonna be one big, bubbling idiot. Sister-I'm sorry in advance. You know us Davidsons are NOT pretty cry-ers!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How dare you delete my comment! That really tears me up! Almost as much as that piece of shit tore me up when it came out sideways.