Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Free at last...

It may sound like I don't like my job, but that is not the case. I actually really like it (most of the time). However, I am about to be off for 10 days, and who doesn't like time off? I'm not doing anything exciting, just hanging out and hopefully relaxing a bit. I have my Book Club tomorrow, getting my roots covered/hair cut on Friday, the big Ivory Tiger/Warrant concert is Saturday; I'll probably go to church and see Grandpa on Sunday, maybe Monday I'll go shopping and Tuesday I will be leaving for Salem where I will stay until the following Sunday. Sounds good to me.
Hopefully some time in there I will go see some apartments and start to get an ETA of when I'll be back out on my own! I have enjoyed living with Red and Jon, but haven't lived by myself in 3 1/2 years. I miss it. I actually never got lonely-I really crave the independence and freedom living by yourself brings. Red and I have already discussed the fact that we will have to have at least monthly Sister Shopping Saturday's. It's imperative. Maybe I'll dog-sit Chloe every now and again (ONLY if she stops that whining bit!). Things will be good.
Red informed me we have a ship date for our bridesmaid dresses-January. Perfect timing! What if we gain weight over the holidays like so many people do? What then? Can they take out the dress a few inches? Must watch my fruitcake intake carefully between now and then....

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