Monday, November 21, 2005

I found an apartment!!!

I am so excited! I saw an apartment yesterday that I just fell in love with. I'm mailing my deposit today. It's in the area I wanted and there is a park with a lake right across the street. It is second floor, makes me feel a bit safer. When you walk in the door, you walk up a curved stair case to the living room. The living room has a huge window overlooking the park, and a huge walk in closet to the side. The kitchen is nicer than the other kitchens I have seen, the cabinets are even updated. There are four huge closets, plenty of room for my crap. The landlords are a nice older couple who do things simply: if we like you, you move it. If you pay your rent, you stay. If you don't, we kick you out. I like it!


Stephen M Bourke said...

What are they going to say when Janie Lane moves in?

KD said...

I'm sure now that Jani has gone to rehab and done Celebrity Fit Club, they will welcome him with open arms...who knew I was gonna go after a rock-n-roll dude?

Anonymous said...

I got a call today for a reference and I shared that you have never worked here. Hope you don't mind!

KD said...

It's true, I've never worked a day in my life secrets out!