Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Vegas and the VFW hall are neck and neck

I think perhaps we have landed ourselves a band for the big birthday celebration. You CMSU alums know them well. Yes, thats right, Spooge has a gig at Kerri's 30th Birthday Celebration! They sure are moving up in the world, aren't they? The only thing that could make it better would be to have Buffalo Road along as well. That's probably not a good idea though, considering I wouldn't be able to control myself around their drummer Dave. Oh, I loved him so back in the day. Memories.......I'm thinking the VFW hall is going to be a more viable option than Vegas. Expenses play a factor in this decision. While both options offer the tacky factor that I appreciate, I think the VFW is more my speed. I am envisioning a keg, Spooge playing me some Weezer covers, and my infamous mixed CD's playing in between sets. We get some subs or order pizza and we got ourselves a GOOD TIME!!!! I'm inviting everyone I know. It's gonna rule. Mark February 11, 2006 down on your calendars now. DO IT!!!!

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