Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Holiday cheer

What a cheerful place work has been this week! There has been so much laughing and good times. The call volume has been low, allowing staff to relax a bit. Today was the big potluck where everyone in the company brings some really, really fattening food and you pile your plate up and eat until you are sick. I, on the otherhand, continued to remind myself that I have to get into a bridesmaid dress next month that I got fitted for three months ago (I hope to God it fits). Our director baked loaves of bread for all of us on the management team. My direct manager, Chris got me a fabulous gift from Crate and Barrel, Laura loaded me up with chocolate and Stephen got me the best gift ever-Diet Coke and Skittles! They do know me well..... Damn the holidays!

To my mother: EVERYTHING IS FINE, DON'T WORRY, OK? :) Seriously......

I sincerely hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. If you are not, I'll send some of my cheer your way because I am overloaded with it! :)

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