Monday, December 26, 2005

One fine lookin' white woman

That is what some dude said to me at the grocery store today. I suppose one should take that as a compliment, so I was like "uh....thanks". I ran into him again later on and he asked me if I would consider hooking up with a black man. I was very happy to be able to reply "Sorry, but I got a man". I got a man? Who the hell says that? Well, it's true, I do. Ol' boy tried once again out in the parking lot and asked me if he could call me. I very politely told him no. Such is my life nowadays.

I finally got a full 8 hours of sleep last night. I slept like a baby, clearly my body' s way of telling me it was exhausted and needed rest. Once up this morning, however, I became way productive. I finally got rid of the empty boxes, organized the living room, even did some laundry and dishes. All I have left to tackle is my bedroom. This is gonna require some creativity as I have waaaaaaay more clothes than my closet has room.

I'm at work now and I really need to be productive here as well. It's been a little busy as folks are calling in expecting their agencies to be open on a Monday, not realizing it is the observed holiday. Payroll is calling my name again today. I have 1 of my 16 employees done. Fantastic. Knowing I will get to see Cute Boy later today will hopefully make the day/night fly by....


Anonymous said...

you are one fine cute lil hick white women,yeah cant wait to see ya too.

KD said...

Man, it's always when I am dressed like a total scrub, must like that. Shoulda had my Cubs hat on....

Anonymous said...

yeah then you would of been a total now what

KD said...

Hey, that Cubs hat is HOT baby! :)