Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Whew! What a day!

I'm spent. What a day here in managed care land. I anticipated it being busy, what with the holiday, new business and old business going away and all, but totally didn't anticipate having EIGHTEEN cases. In all my time here we've never had that many. I'm not complaining, however. At least I still have a job......That being said, it was still a very busy and hectic day. I'm just about caught up and am gonna go work out after work-work off some of that stress.

Ok, so the Cubs are hardly ever on WGN anymore, so why is it that they have to be on tonight when its the new 90210 premiere????? I mean, how is a girl to choose?????? I need to see Kelly Taylor and Brenda Walsh, I NEED to. I also need to see the Cubs try to redeem themselves and stop losing. Channel flipping it is. :)

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