Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just call me "Kimberly"....or "Bobbie"....or whatever

So, apparently, my name is hard to remember. Who knew? I have a reviewer in Tennessee who insists on continuing to call me "Kimberly" despite having talked to me at least a dozen times now and each time I made sure to clearly state that my name is, in fact, "Kerri". Today a different reviewer ended our call with "Ok Bobbie, well have a great day". Um...Bobbie? That ain't even close people! I admit it's pretty funny, but still, come on-get it together people!

I'm totally breathing in paint fumes today at work. I think I catch a contact high every time I walk down the hall to the bathroom (which has happened several times today thanks to the downing of my 44 oz Diet Dr Pepper AND a big cup of tea). Nothing like a paint contact high/headache to make your day complete!

So, I'm contemplating excuses to call in sick to my part-time job tonight because my precious Cubbies are on ESPN. Ooooops, did I just give myself away? DAMMIT. Guess I have to go work's just as well, we all know I hate the ESPN announcers. Or is it just the Sunday Night baseball ESPN announcers I hate????

The Cubs magic number is down to FOUR. I love it! It's so much fun still caring about baseball in mid-Sept! God knows the Rams have given me nothing to look forward to (that 0-2 record is impressive. No really!) and hockey hasn't started yet. The baseball playoffs start Oct I smell a Cubs/Dodgers series? Bring it Manny! Bring it!

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