Saturday, September 06, 2008

It hurts

I am seriously having a "Dude, what the f**k" moment with the Cubs. The losing streak has now gone to SIX IN A ROW. Um.....excuse me? I think last night's loss was the worst of them it was to the Reds. The REDS? Come the f**k on people!!!! How is this happening? Are cosmic forces aligning? Are billy goats everywhere getting ready to make a move? Is the curse real? Did they finally find Jimmy Hoffa's body? All these things cross your mind...for a moment...then you realize there is no such thing as curses and all that silly stuff and that it boils down to one fact-they are just playing like shit right now. Plain and simple. Now, I still love my Cubbies, don't get me wrong, but boys-if you need assistance with getting your heads out of your asses, let me know. I'm here to help. I'm a bit frightened that today's chance at redemption falls into the hands of Jason Marquis (always a scary prospect). I'm also a bit concerned because the boys will be here in St. Louis next week and playing like this, they are making me a bit nervous. I HATE seeing them lose to the here's hoping they snap out of this funk real soon and start a winning streak just in time for their stop in the STL on Tuesday........HOLLA! :)

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