So, while I was
gallivanting around Busch Stadium watching a game I could care less about (I mean, the Cards and
Dbags? What the???? It was more about the quality time with my girl Tanya and her crazy Cubs fan sister, Andrea), apparently Jason Marquis was being all
badass and stuff and hitting GRAND SLAMS in New York. Who know? You send a
brotha back to his home state and voila! Magic. Needless to say, the
Cubbies won last night, securing the best record in the
NL and home field advantage throughout the
NL playoffs.
Yay! Let's look at some pictures, shall we?
Our driver, Tanya, rollin in her 5.0....
Tanya's sister Andrea, drinkin' the Beast Lite...ew....don't be fooled by her outfit-she is a total Cubs fan...with a slight affinity for Yadier Molina...try not to hold it against her.
Me with the Miller Lite I left in Tanya's fridge about a year ago....tasted ok, although I prefer Bud Select, but whatever.
scoreboard watching...this is after Marquis Grand Slam...I had my eye on the scoreboard all night...this girl has her baseball priorities in place!
Tanya wanted a picture of me wearing totally wasn't in support of the Cardinals, but it sure looks that way....
Tanya and pic!!!!!!!!
Oh, I DO love myself some Skip Schumaker...he is a cutie patootie. Do the Cubs need him?????
Why hello, Mr. Pujols!
It was pretty cool getting to see Brandon Webb pitch...he got win number 22 last night. Impressive.
This is for Tanya...she loves herself some Troy Glaus!
the stupid kids that were trying to get their section to do the wave...give them an A for effort...they tried for a good 20 minutes...they looked like they may have escaped from Salem, what with the NASCAR hat and missing teeth and all....
HA! Is that you Ti Ti??? Where you be going girl? OMG, this makes me laugh on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin with it....
Oh hell no, Ti Ti got away. Come back with my White Castles. ok, I'm about to pee my pants just thinking about it. Good Times, Good Times.
"she's attacking that belly bomber" says Dave with the car windows down..........LOL LOL LOL!
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