Thursday, September 04, 2008

American Invasion

Uh, I don't even know what to say about the Cubs right now. Losing five in a the Assholes, uh, I mean the Astros? Are you frickin' kidding me with this? Where is my Super Team? What has happened? Big Z has some mystery ailment (read: mental), Ryan Dempster suddenly looks like the closer he was last season (read: NOT good), and Rami, D Lee and Soriano can't hit themselves out of a paper bag. Dude, WTF? My co-worker Ruben (also a Cubs fan) just hung his head when he saw me this morning and said "I don't want to talk about it". This is bad people, real bad. My hope is that this is the one and only slump we've been waiting all season for them to have and that it will be short-lived and they will be back in winning form just in time for October....if they make it to October. Did someone let that damn billy goat in the park again?
So, I've finally booked my flight to Canada. I know, I know, it's very exciting. Actually, it is. I can't wait to see that sassy Canadian boy! :) It's still a month away, but I am officially on the countdown. I am supposed to be doing some Vancouverian research to see what I want to do while I'm there ("Vancouverian" is the second word I've made up this week. The other being "cryingingest"). I'll get right on that. I'll tell you what we will NOT be doing, and that is going on that damn suspension bridge over the Capilano river, that's what. I braved that thing the last time I was in Vancouver and it about made me wet myself. No thank you.Does THIS look like fun to you? Especially when you have a sassy Canadian behind you jumping on the bridge to make it sway....Oh Lord, I'm getting anxious just thinking about it. I can't believe I actually walked across that thing!

Let's change subjects for a minute and talk about the train wreck that is the new 90210. Ummmm....I'm not sure how I feel about it. It was, for the most part, terrible. Although I did love seeing Kelly Taylor (and come on, we all know her baby daddy is Brandon) and Brenda Walsh (lookin a big rough...I'm just sayin'). Bring back Dylan and Steve Sanders and we've got ourselves a deal. Otherwise, I think I may be skipping this one as part of my arsenal of must see shows......(among them: Dancing With The Stars, American Idol and, of course, Baseball Tonight).
Toodles people. I'm out.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on . . . the Capilano Suspension Bridge wasn't so bad

KD said...

Yes it was.....thank God I got my certicate saying I survived it......

KD said...

um, that's supposed to be "certificate"

Anonymous said...

It's not as bad as it looks . . . it's just the camera angle that makes it look that way.

KD said...

people, don't listen to him, IT IS TOO as bad as it looks....

Anonymous said...

Puhleaze . . . my sister and I were running across that when I was 3

KD said...

well pin a rose on your nose! :)

Jen Estes said...

That bridge scares me! Almost as much as the way the Cubbies have been playing lately!

I was sooooo excited for the new 90210 but I haven't got a chance to watch it yet, I don't see how it can live up to the hype though. I'm definitely going to need some Dylan and Steve. (Come on, it's not like they're doing anything now anyway...)