Saturday, September 27, 2008

Das Oktoberfest!

Ok, so I totally didn't want to go out last night-after a WAY crappy afternoon at work that I won't rehash because it'll make me anxious again, I really just wanted to go home and isolate. BUT, a certain lil Canadian told me I should go out, knowing I was risking him being right AGAIN, I went ahead and went out. And DAMMIT if he wasn't right.....I had a lot of fun.

Tanya and I were originally gonna do a trivia night last night (right Heidi?) but it got postponed, so we were in search of other ways to entertain ourselves. We found it in the form of the St. Charles Oktoberfest on the riverfront. Accompanied by Tanya's sister Andrea and her WAY adorable 2 year old nephew, Noah, we headed down to the riverfront...where our first course of action was to get me some food-I hadn't eaten all day thanks to said crappy afternoon and was cranky and light-headed and I'm pretty sure my blood sugar had dropped. Anyway, so we found some food and a great......polka band? Umm....sure. Noah loved it, he was dancing and clapping-so we followed suit! Afterwards, we spent some time walking around, looking at the different booths and, yes, acting a bit ignorant (pics coming soon...let's just say I was interested in trying on some of the German hats, and while I couldn't find any leiderhosen, I DID find a German beer wench dress and posed with it....anything for a laugh, I tell ya!). It was a fun night, and I was still home early enough to get my People magazine and catch the end of the Cubs game, which really, I wish I hadn't. Nothing makes my blood boil more than seeing the Fat Ass Brewers win-especially when it's against my precious boys in wasn't Game 1 starter Ryan Dempster's fault! It was the dudes-in-the-bullpen-that-won't-be-making-the-postseason-roster's fault. Yea, I'm talking to you Bobby Howry! Oh wait, did he even pitch last night? I don't think he did.....oh well, it feels good to take my wrath out on him anyway. :)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

No trivia=happy Heidi

Thank you for paying attention to my special needs regarding your Friday night plans.