Thursday, September 18, 2008

Not even worried

Is it a bit concerning that the Cubs loss last night was still mildly entertaining for me? I mean, as the Brewers acted like they just won the World Series, I just sat there smiling....let them celebrate tonight, I thought, it's just delaying the inevitable and now the Cubs will (more than likely) clinch the NL Central this weekend against the Cardinals.....I personally dig that. I'll be at home this weekend with my Cards lovin' family....I'll try not to gloat too much (and really hope my dad won't turn the channel when they break to the champagne/beer drinking celebration in the locker room after the game...nothing says "fun" like watching Sweet Lou throw back a cold one). Yea, so the Cubbies lost last night. I'm ok with it. As long as the losing streak stops at 1, that is.....I mean, sure, Jason Marquis had a couple of good games there for a minute, but lets face it, him giving up three runs in the first inning shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. I mean, it's Jason Marquis for God's sake. Look at what I found, a picture of the Prince (AKA Princess, AKA Fat Ass, AKA....well, lots of other mean stuff), before he fell into the category of "morbidly obese baseball player" and before he got all the tats..... This may have been his senior picture from high school for all I know....I hate him. Ok, "hate" may be a strong word, but I really, really, REALLY don't like him.....


Anonymous said...

did you hear the ESPN announcer say, "And Fielder lumbers to 3rd"? i about wet my pants i was laughing so hard.

KD said...

Acually Ern, I DID hear that and I too about wet my pants laughing...and lumbering he was. ;)

Anonymous said...

Did you know that he is a vegetarian?

KD said...

Are you serious DT? How does a vegetarian become that....large???? Me no comprendo....

Anonymous said...

He started before this season

Anonymous said...

Classic rookie vegetarian mistake...too many carbs not enough protein....i am speaking as a vegetarian...