Sunday, September 14, 2008

Big Z with the NO HITTER, baby!

OMG, are you freakin' kidding me? Carlos Zambrano, Cubs pitcher extraordinaire, got himself a no-hitter tonight. A freakin NO HITTER. Against the Houston "Don't look now but we're up your ass for the Wild Card" Ass-tros. Fan-freakin-tastic. As I watched the bottom of the 9th, I alternated between having sweaty palms and having the urge to pace the room. Hell, I may even have thrown up in my mouth a little. But as I saw that Ass-tro tool swing at a way crappy pitch, reality set it-Carlos Zambrano-a man who is arguably the craziest player the Cubs have ever seen (it is entirely possible that he is the craziest that all of Major League Baseball has ever seen)-had just scored himself a no-hitter. Do you know how hard that is to do? Especially against a team that's as hot as the Ass-tros are? Never mind that the Cubbies won their 89th game of the year. I'm so excited about the no hitter that I won't even make fun of the Brewers tonight and how they have lost their Wild Card lead by losing four in a row to the team chasing them. No, I won't mention it at all...........

Congratulations, Big Z and the rest of the Cubs. Tonight was the best Cubs game I've ever watched (SO FAR). :) I am not ashamed to admit that I teared up a bit and got chills...especially when Big Z dropped to his knees and the rest of the guys ran out to celebrate with him. Ah, good times, good times. This girl is going to bed a very happy Cubs fan tonight! :)

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