Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stories from the southside

My co-worker at the crisis line, Hallie, is the cutest and sweetest lil' thang (isn't she Heidi?). She is also quite funny and sarcastic. Yesterday when I walked in to the call center, she was sitting there with her sunglasses on. Had she too come down with Light Sensitivity Disorder? I just looked at her laughing and she said "what, it's bright in here!". And I said "oh, I thought maybe you had some sort of disorder". Everyone around proceeded to giggle. Then Laura Coleman noticed my sunglasses in my hand and asked "do you have the disorder too?". Ok, guess you had to be there. Anyway, speaking of Light Sensitivity Girl, I worked with her last night and she didn't have on the hoodie or the sunglasses. What is this, I asked myself. Could she be......cured? Stay tuned to find out....

I have a new crazy co-worker to talk about. She is at my full time job and I have discovered that just about everyone who comes in contact with her hates her. Now, personally, I avoid any and all eye contact and/or conversation with her because I picked up on the crazy her first day there. I have two words-PERSONALITY DISORDER. Today, I went over to the printer to get some stuff I printed (I have to print everyone's caseload daily and it is often a lot of paper used) and Crazy Girl walked over and just totally started cussing out either the printer or me, I'm not too sure. I thought perhaps she had Tourette's because this cursing episode was totally unprovoked. She was ranting and raving about how we should have two printers, blah, blah, blah, I heard the words "f**k", the "GD" word that I hate, "s**t" and I'm sure many others. What was I doing while all of this was going on? I was just standing there looking at her with this amazed (yet slightly amused) look on my face. Wow. Have I mentioned she has a mullet as well?

Ok, so I took my car to my Mazda dealership today to get my windshield wiper fixed. Ever since we had ice on Tuesday, my drivers side wiper wouldn't move. Not good when you have salt and crap all over your windshield and you can't clean it off. Anyway, I called Mazda prior to heading over and the guy assured me it would be a quick fix and he wouldn't even write up a ticket on it. So, with my boss's permission, I headed out to Ellisville. When I got there, the mechanic guy opened the hood, did something, came back in and said "your bla-bidi-blah on your yakity schmakity flipped, it's working now". Given that I don't speak Car-ese, I just thanked him and proceeded to drive away (but not before I gave my wipers a good test with the ol' windshield washer fluid....worked like a charm!).

Wow, I had a lot to say today. :)


Anonymous said...

I think I know who Crazy Girl is. I used to work with her at another job. I don't think I told you the story behind why I ignore her to this day in addtion to the PD issues. Remind sometime and I'll tell it to you.

KD said...

is it the "making out with the dude that you were supposed to be fixed up" story? that's a classic.

Anonymous said...

you got it. she's quality. oh, and you speak to her once and she thinks you're her bff. that's nice. ask kathy about it.

KD said...

uh yea, thats why I don't talk to her. Mike and Amy have already fallen victim to her craziness...

Anonymous said...

what amazes me most is that some man married her and the two of use are still single. something just isn't right with the world when that happens.

KD said...

I KNOW! I see all these crazy ass people on my caseload and I can't believe THEY found someone to marry them, and we can't. It's not right Ern, it's not right.