Monday, January 21, 2008

The next installment in the "This could only happen to KD" book

I can't believe I am actually admitting this, but I have no shame, so here goes..........

So, yesterday I went to Wal-Mart to get some household essentials when I spotted some shampoo and conditioner on sale. Great, I thought, I can always use these products. It was a brand that I didn't recognize but I figured it was no big deal, so I bought it. Later that night I was taking my shower and noticed that the consistency of the product, in particular the conditioner was different, it was rather thick and felt weird. It prompted me to actually read the bottle (wouldn't that have been a good idea before I bought it?). Well, once I read the bottle I realized why it felt so weird-seems the product I had purchased was for relaxed African-American hair. Yea....I don't have that hair type. I wasn't going to tell anyone about this until I heard that Mike had done a similar thing, which is further proof that we are the same person.


Anonymous said...

I knew a girl who washed her hair with Nair.. not that's fucking stupid. Karen

Heidi said...