Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Did that really happen?

I'm pretty sure I talked to Canada on the phone last night.....I actually had to look at my phone this morning to see if I imagined it or not. It's not like he called real late-it was only 10pm, but I was really, really tired last night and fell asleep somewhere around 9pm (after nearly falling asleep on the couch at like 8:30-I'm awesome), only to wake up to see what time it was around 10-as I was sitting up to look at the clock, I hear "I don't want no scrubs....." and realized it was my phone ringing. I saw an "816" area code and thought-there's only one person I know in the KC area right now that would be calling me......God love Canada and his procrastination/lack of planning's part of your charm, right DJT? :) Well, after I informed him I had to work until 8:30pm tonight, he was able to find a train that would get him here around 9-perfect. So, tonight I will finally get to see my Favorite Friend from the Great White North, I can't wait!!!! He even advised me that Deven may make an appearance at the ol' college gang reunion happy hour on Friday....I hope, because it's been years since I've seen him too. YAY! Can't wait to hang with all my old peeps and reminisce about the old South Yeater days.....only this time it will be minus the cop trying to bust us for drinking underage.....perhaps a hockey fight or two may be in order. That, or some steamrolling. I was gonna say "dry boning" but can you really say that on a family blog???? HA! HA! HA! I mean, I could have used Cabin Boy's favorite term "skull f**king", but that would be completely inappropriate.....I can't wait to hear about Canada's KC trip-I know he got to see Uriah, Jamie/Cheryl, the elusive Cabin Boy and the even more elusive Todd. Good times. This little reunion would be perfect if Nate were around, but, unfortunately, I think Colorado is a bit far away....he's off living the Jeff City dream (inside joke).

Julie Zoell-Patrick saved me from a deadly venomous spider was in my cubicle, we named it Charlotte. I didn't want it in my cube any longer and screamed for someone to do away with the gigantic beast (Julie said it was big if you compared it to say, a tick). Charlotte put up a fight, but her life was finally ended by my hero, Julie. I think it was a Brazillian Wandering Spider, the most venomous spider in all the world (we learned that at trivia night a couple of weeks ago). Mike said I was being a drama queen about the whole thing, but I don't think so.....

I think our Mardi Gras plans are shaping up. Much like my dear friend Canada, my girls and I tend to make plans at the last minute (it's part of our charm too). We have a place where we are going, now we just need 1. a place to meet up (there are 8 of us) and 2. a time to meet up. Other than that, Mardi Gras, here we come! Oh and Canada-we need to go get you some beads. That is, unless you plan on earning them the old fashioned way......


Diane said...


Happy Hour at Pps! Bring 'em all down to see Uncle Jimmy on Friday night -- Pop's should be an experience Canada (and yr other friends) won't forget soon!

Aunt Diane

Diane said...

Of course I meant Pops in the first fingers aren't moving right just yet to type.....

KD said...

Much as I'd love to see them play, I cannot risk seeing a certain crazy ex who hangs out at Pops......