Friday, January 18, 2008

If you see this man....

If you see this man, head to your local INS office immediately!!! He could be a Canadian impostor posed as, well...Uncle Sam. Do not be fooled.

I had some really weird and crazy dreams last night. The one I remember involves me and my friends Val, Erin, Robyn and Carrie (there may have been other people in the dream but I don't remember who they were). In this dream, the five of us were all set to play Lord of the Rings....not a board game but we were actually gonna be the characters (kinda like Dungeons and Dragons, perhaps?), when we began arguing about who had to be Gollum (you know that creepy thing that kept saying "I want the precious...." (ask me to do my impression of him sometime-it is dead on!). Anyway, Erin got really pissed about it and called Carrie (who was at home for some reason) to come and pick her up, which she did-rolling up in a convertible minivan (riiiiight). Then Carrie was pissed because she had to come out to get her and the five of us started arguing.....then my alarm went off. What can this one mean? That I should stop smoking crack before bedtime?
I'm not sure if I am getting sick or not, but today I woke up with a bit of a sore throat, I feel a bit nauseated, possibly feverish and my ears are stuffed up and popping. Mood-wise I'm fine, my concern is that several co-workers have had such fun things as bronchitis and pink-eye this week and we all sit right by each other in Cubicle-Land. We must wait and see if any real illness develops.......

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