Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Rabid Bats and Lost ID's-A True New Year's Eve Story

We had the best of intentions, Tanya and I. We were gonna try to not be completely uncool (for once). We we gonna go out after work, go amongst people and be out for New Year's Eve....alas, it was not meant to be......

After working at the crisis line until 11pm (yes if you are counting, that is approximately SIXTEEN hours that I worked yesterday. Hey, after six the crisis line was time and a half, I'm not passing that up!), Tanya and I decided we would go somewhere to have a drink and ring in the New Year. Did we have a destination? No. Did we have any real plan? No. Did we have good intentions? Yes.

So, we decided to go to this bar in Maryland Heights that is either by or in the Syberg's, I couldn't tell. I should have known right away this wasn't a good idea as I remember now my sister telling me that there was an actual reported case of someone dying after eating Syberg's food (it pays to have connections at the Health Dept). Anyway, as we pulled up we noticed lots of pretty lights......pretty lights from a freakin ambulance out front! No thank you! If someone is dead in there, I don't wanna see it. So, change of plan, we decided to go to this other place down the road. It seemed ok, however, there was a freakin $10 cover. Uh, to hang out in this skanktastic bar for like an hour? I don't think so. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, because before we went in, I decided to dig out my ID (because, let's face it, I get carded everywhere I go), only........my ID wasn't in my purse. Not a good thing by any means. So, as Tanya and I stood there outside her car freezing our asses off, we realized our goal of actually going out for New Year's wasn't gonna happen. We did get the brilliant idea to actually sit inside the car and further contemplate our situation when I looked up and said "was that a bat?". Tanya looked up too and sure enough, there was something flying in the night. Tanya yells "it's rabid, it's rabid!". So, there we were, outside some skanky bar in Maryland Heights with rabid bats flying all around us. Fantastic. At this point, it was about 11:30, we decided to call it a night and headed on home. On the bright side, we would miss all the drunko's out on the highways.

I reached home at 11:57, but apparently some other yahoo's thought it was midnight because I suddenly heard fireworks going off (initially, I thought it may have been gunfire....I mean, come on, I do live in The City). The fireworks became annoying about about 20 minutes.....anywho, I texted (is "texted" a word?) and got texts from some folks wishing me a happy new year (my favorites were my brother saying "Happy New Year I'm drunk" and Polster calling me an old lady for saying I was going to bed).

So, now I must say...............HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!!!!

I hope everyone is still alive today and enjoying the day off....there is more football than should be legal on TV right now (although, it should be noted Mizzou is winning 28-7 in the Cotton Bowl.That Tony Temple is A-MAZING!). There is also that awesome outdoor hockey game on between Buffalo and Pittsburg-it is snowy and windy in Buffalo-perfect hockey conditions! I must get on doing my designated task for the day-LAUNDRY. Good times.

Hey Tanya, it is now nearly 14 hours into the new year and I haven't been mean once!Granted, I haven't talked to anyone (or seen anyone for that matter), but still....I win! :)


Unknown said...

Ok, SO I made it to 3:00pm with being nice, but then coughing girl walked in...nough said!!!! Happy New Year!!

KD said...

well, clock me in at 3:12pm....damn you, Coughing Girl! Damn you! There is no way in hell I can be nice when you have a chronically sniffling, coughing, sitting on the vibrating massager thingy, personality disordered girl around!Whew....I feel better now.

I got mad at the self-checker outer thingy at Schnucks..does saying hateful things to inanimate objects count????