Thursday, January 17, 2008

I'm going to hell but at least I'll be in good company

It's not my fault that Light Sensitivity Girl gives me such good material. IT'S NOT MY FAULT! It's also not my fault that ever since I started calling her "Stevie Wonder" (because of the dark glasses ya know), my co-worker Alex has been singing "I Just Called To Say I Love You" in the call center. And, it's not my fault that Tanya, Allison, Alex and I giggle uncontrollably the whole time we are there when she is working. Just call us the Fab Four, pure evil at it's best! The latest on Light Sensitivity Girl is this-she is now having surgery for her terrible disorder. What exactly are we surgerizing? Her brain? Because that may actually be helpful....

Plans are shaping up for the 2008 St. Louis Mardi Gras celebration. I have most of my crew committed to going. Granted, we don't have any solid plan in place, just that everyone was able to secure babysitters and are off work. We even have a designated driver. I'm really hoping it's not too terribly freezing outside that day.

TGIT (Thursday)-I don't know why, just seems like it's been a long week. I have been having an interesting sleep pattern this week. Typically, I have difficulty falling and staying asleep. This week, I have suffered from early awakening. Yesterday, I woke up at 5am. Today? 4am. Ugh. That is SO not pleasant. And I totally could not fall back asleep. Not that I got up and got ready, mind you. I'm hoping this little pattern rights itself soon.

What is everyone doing this weekend? We have our first Girls Lunch of 2008 on Saturday and Sat night I am going to a Trivia Night, which I love. I have a LOT of useless knowledge in this ol' noggin of mine. Lots. Granted, we will be getting free beer at this trivia night, so my ability to recall useless information may be impaired a bit.......

In good news, my cousin Ben and his wife Ashlee just announced they are having a BOY! Yay! It will be the first great-grandson in the family as we already have two girls. So exciting! Ashlee still has 20 weeks to go, but this family is excited to meet Baby Battocletti! :)


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, because of my sense of humour co-workers are frequently telling me that I am going to hell . . . but they are at least laughing when they do so, so at the very least my damnation can provide a little entertainment.

KD said...

we already have dibs on a condo down there. Want me to count you in?

Anonymous said...

Ok, but only as a backup plan. I still plan on winning over Saint Peter at the gates with a good joke or two.

KD said...

Or a good old fashioned steamroller.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that violence is the key to getting into heaven. I could be wrong though.

KD said...

you call the steamroller violent? I disagree. I find it most calming and soothing after a nice hard day (or hard life, whatever). I'm sure St Pete would have a sense of humor about it...maybe not if a dude did it tho...