Monday, January 14, 2008

Don't ask, don't tell

Ah....Book Club Slumber Party. Quite an event. I do believe in the 5 year history of our non-reading Book Club, this was the most interesting, weird, disgusting, funniest slumber party yet.

We trekked out to Washington, Mo (pronounced "warshington" by the locals) mid-afternoon. Kelly's house is a-dorable! As we walked in, we saw that the girls that had already arrived we drinking. Of course, my thought was-well, when in Rome.....Bud Select, here I come! We gorged ourselves on snacky foods-Shannon's hot wing dip is to die for. OMG. After that, we began our first project of the night-have you heard of the ear candle thingy-ma-bob? It's supposed to remove ear wax from your ears. Disgusting as it sounds (and trust me, it is disgusting), we decided we were gonna try it. The thought of sticking a candle in my ear and lighting it on fire made me a bit nervous, but as a couple girls went ahead of me and deemed it safe and non painful, I decided to give it a try. This was so disgusting, words can't even describe.....but we laughed a lot!

After the ear candle incident, we proceeded to try homemade facials....sounded simple enough-you take household ingredients and put it on your face. We used such ingredients as-strawberries, bananas, milk, honey and oatmeal. Here is what I learned from this-if you have fruit allergies, it's best to not put them on your face. Word to the wise. I knew better than to put the strawberry mixture on my face, but I thought the banana one would be ok. Wrong. My face became all red and splotchy, I started sneezing probably 10-12 times in a row, my eyes started swelling and the only thing I could think of was-get this shit off my face! This was 10x worse than my reaction to the cat that was in the house. Some lessons ya gotta learn the hard way, I guess. Unfortunately for me, most lessons I've learned have come the hard way. Oh well.

I am officially a Girl Scout cookie pimp, so if anyone is in desperate need of cookies, my friend Val's daughter, Claire is selling. Val is now the official "Cookie Master" for the troop...or something like that.

Yay-Erin and I booked our flight to Phoenix yesterday! WOO HOO! We also got our tickets to two of the Cubs home games (at good ol' HoHoKam Park)-I don't remember who we are seeing them play, but we are going! We may take in some of their road games as well (in other parts of the Phoenix metro area). I SOOOO can't wait! I now have a Cards-Cubs bet going on with Polster. The bet is simple-I say the Cubs will finish ahead of the Cards this year and, of course, he says the opposite. So, if I win, he has to go around in public and wear a pink Cubs hat, and if he wins, I have to wear a Cards shirt, take a picture of it and post it as my main picture on MySpace. Gross. I'm not worried though, I think I have this one in the bag. :)

P.S. Hey Canada-I caught "Zoolander" on TV yesterday....made me think of you as you and Derek Zoolander have SO much in know, being really, really, really good looking. :)


Anonymous said...

That Kerri . . . she's so hot right now!!!

KD said...

Thanks for recognizing that RP!

Anonymous said...

You is talking loco and I like it

KD said...

Talking loco, huh? When am I NOT talking loco?
And why is you talking like you is ghetto-rific? You been hangin out on the streets of Vancouver again?

Anonymous said...

I thought you said you watched Zoolander last night???

I was using lines from the movie

KD said...

Yes, but I didn't say I was paying attention the whole time...I was also reading a book...and cleaning the bathroom....and surfing the internet. I can only dare to dream of knowing the movie as well as you do.....