Monday, January 07, 2008

I've had a rough last 24 hours...

I have two words for all of you-----projectile vomiting. This is what I have been dealing with since yesterday afternoon. Oh, my Sunday started off just fine. I was energized by the nice weather, I went and saw my cousin's art show, talked to my parents on their anniversary, went for a jog around the park, I was just fine. Then it hit me....I was sitting on the couch and started to feel a bit nauseated. I didn't think much of it since I had just returned from jogging, I figured maybe I overdid it (since I'd gone the day before as well), and continued to drink my water. That, I believe, prompted my undoing. I couldn't have run to the bathroom faster than if there were a pack of rabid dogs behind me. Answer me this-have you ever thrown up an entire bottle of water? It's not fun, believe you me. This is when things got bad. After composing myself (for the moment), I learned I was running a low-grade fever. Something had attacked my body, I was sure of it. After a couple hours of this nonsense, I realized my evening plans were shot, so I had to call Polster and deliver the news-no evening of fun for us (and he had even cleaned his house for me). I then, proceeded to spend my evening on the couch with a bucket in front of me. I called in sick to work today (which I hate doing, but figured it was the smartest thing), I slept probably 10 hours last night. I am happy to say I have not thrown up today, I attempted to eat a bit, my tummy was unsettled but it stayed down. I feel very weak and tired, probably because I really haven't had a solid meal since Saturday. I know I need to stay hydrated, so despite my PTSD moment with the water yesterday, I am continuing to drink it today. I HATE being this kind of sick, I'd rather have the worst cold known to man than be throwing up. I do need to venture out of the house to get my allergy shot. Not really feeling up to it, but I haven't gone in two weeks, so I better. Then, it's more couch time for me....

And how was YOUR weekend?

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