Thursday, January 24, 2008

40,000 miles and still going strong!

My poor baby car hit 40,000 miles last less than two years. Yikes. At least she's still running fine....of course, there is that little fact that the windshield wipers broke on Tuesday (daddy, can you help your baby girl out? I'll be there tomorrow....) and I still (after a year and a half) have not had the crack in the windshield fixed (Canada-and you think YOU procrastinate...), but other than that, she's doing ok.

I realized I haven't blogged much this week. To my loyal following, I apologize. Something struck me as funny the other day. I was recalling a conversation I had with some of my aunt's on Saturday. They were all saying they wanted to meet my friends Mike and Canada, as well as Light Sensitivity Girl. Why did this strike me as funny? Well, I realized that there are now "sub characters" if you will, as part of my blog and they have their own separate following! So, I don't know who's on Team Mike, or Team Canada, or Team Light Sensitivity Girl (and trust me, you really don't want to meet her....). Are there any publishers out there? I wanna get this thing published.... :) I promise I'll share some of the profits with my "sub characters". :)

I am getting so excited that I can't hardly stand it. Canada will be here either Tuesday or Wednesday. Of course, my initial reaction to hearing this news was panic, because my apartment is still a mess, and I'm gonna be out of town all weekend so I'm not exactly sure when it's gonna get cleaned, but mostly I'm just excited! Canada-you'll be getting a house key since I won't be home until late on both nights, but whatever. Do you have enough street cred to walk the city streets alone? Just wondering. I saw a Labatt's Blue truck this morning on my way to work and it made me think of you.

Can I tell you that this working out thing is GREAT? Not that I am the bionic woman now by any means, but I'm telling you, everything is tighter (except for my clothes), my boss called me skinny today and I am down nine pounds. My boss is doing the same workout, but has been doing it a few months longer than me. She told me a couple of days ago that she noticed for the first time that she is developing lines in her abs-you know-the good, MUSCLE lines. She is my hero and I strive to have that happen to me. It will. Oh, and let me tell you, I actually have muscle in my arms. Not that I could beat anyone at arm wrestling quite yet, but I'm on my way! Be scared people! Be scared.


Anonymous said...

what work out are you doing? please, please tell me it's sitting on the couch eating while watching the biggest loser, that's what i do although for me it's not working! miss you.

KD said...

Lizzard-that was my OLD work out and sadly, it didn't work for me either. Ok-run out to your local Target and get Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away The Pounds". She is a bit annoying, but I'm telling you, I am seeing results!