Monday, October 29, 2007

Why did the electric go out?

Ok, so me and the lights just aren't getting along lately. First there was my much documented ordeal with the bathroom lightbulb and then last night, as I was getting ready to go to bed, the power went the entire neighborhood. It was eerie, spooky, scary-it was pitch black outside. Ok, so I call Ameren UE hoping to get some answers (not that I really care since I am going to bed, but whatever). The oh-so-friendly lady on the other line says they just started getting calls about this and projected they will have the power back on around.....1:15AM. Uh, that didn't so much work for me. What about my alarm clock? Do you really think I'll wake up at 6am on my own???? So, I set about trying to find my lighter thingy so I could light some candles so I could actually see (I had to find my cell phone so I could set the alarm). I managed to do so without killing myself. I had forgotten which lights I actually left on during the power outage (never mind that I didn't think to look at them when I had the candles on), so imagine my surprise when the entire apartment lit up like the 4th of July around 10:45pm......

I hear congratulations are in order for my baby cousin Ben and his wife Ashlee......they are gonna be parents! YAY! Another great grandchild to bring in the bunch! So exciting! And Ben is finally gonna be 21 tomorrow (never mind that he celebrated his 21st birthday two years ago....). Congrats guys I love you!

Guess who I got to see yesterday? My old friend Matt Harris. He used to work with me at the crisis line but moved to Florida a couple years ago. I missed Matt Harris! I hadn't seen him in quite some time (not as long as it's been since I've seen Canada, but close....). It was so good to see him. He, Renee and I (and their friend Laura) went out to dinner last night at House of India-yummy Indian food. It was pretty much awesome!

I am off work tomorrow. Not for anything fun, however. After all these years dealing with various allergies, I am finally going to an allergist to be poked and prodded to figure out what all I'm allergic to. Can't wait. I had to fill out a seven page questionnaire about my allergy history-it was quite stressful. After the appointment I am just gonna chill until the evening, then I am going over to Mikey's house to......BAKE! I know, you're thinking to yourself "Kerri doesn't bake". It's true, I don't, however, Mike and I are responsible for bringing the treats to our Wednesday team meeting, and Wednesday just happens to be Halloween, so we are going to make very special Halloween treats! It'll be fun!

Finally have a get-together scheduled with my old college friends Christi, Mike and Lori and.....Mike D for December. I can't wait to see them, it's been way too long!

Ok, I'm done for now, I had a small window to blog and now I must get back to actually working. Have a good Monday, y'all!

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