Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where does the time go?

I swear, I missed half of today. Where did it go? You blink, you miss it I guess. Man, this actually working at work crap has GOT to stop! I have no time to blog, do the crossword puzzle or email. This is ridiculous! Who do I need to talk to about this? Anyway....

So, Mike and I agree that Dancing With The Stars has lost a certain, oh, I don't know, pizazz since Wayne Newton left. It just isn't the same without him, I'm afraid. Who are we gonna make fun of now? Who is gonna give us nightmares thinking of their Muppet-like face? Who I ask? Who? That creepy Mark Cuban should be gone tonight, so that eliminates him from the list of possible candidates....

Only two more working days until I officially hit vacation mode, and I am ready, let me tell ya! My sister informs me it is quite warm during the day but chilly at night which means basically that I will have to pack my entire wardrobe in order to dress for the weather. Thanks Texas. Red, how's the humidity? Should I even bother bringing my flat iron and other straightening gadgets/products? Let me know, because if not I won't bring them, thus, making room for more shoes instead.....man, I am such a girl sometimes. It's sick.

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