Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Current GAF=35-40

What is a GAF, you may ask? Well, for those of you not in the mental health world, it is Global Assessment of Functioning. It's how you are functioning in all aspects of life. A score of 35-40 would qualify you for at least Partial Hospitalization-in other words, it's not necessarily good. Why is that my number today? Well, let's see, the day started with a shower (like most days), as I started to wash my hair, I became confused, wondering why the stuff on my head wasn't soaping up....very weird, I thought, was there something wrong with my shampoo?, I had actually put conditioner on my head, thinking it was my shampoo....yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh, I'm retarded. Guess I'll go buy my helmet and get a guardian today....wish me luck!

I am excited about my trip to Texas next week-a week from tomorrow, to be exact. I have already learned that you don't mess with Texas, so I think I'll be alright. Can't wait to see my sis and brother-in-law again, even though I just saw them a couple of weeks ago. My parents will be in Texas too, although they are driving. From Salem. It's like NINE hours. No thanks. I'll take the hour and a half flight, please. See ya there! The Saturday of our trip is dedicated to JFK and Bobby Ewing. :) Confused? Well, apparently, they do tours of Southfork-the house from the tv series "Dallas". My mom, sister and I are all over that one. I was in LOVE with Bobby Ewing (played by Patrick Duffy, who my mom informs me is now "older than dirt") back in 1985, I even named one of my teddy bears Bobby, after him (I still have Bobby-he's stuffed in a box in my basement). And, of course, Dallas is home to the grassy knoll, site of the JFK shooting. We are sooooooo there. I hope this will be as fun as our family trip to Graceland.....we laughed hysterically at all the Elvis freaks crying and hanging on to his pictures (sorry to any Elvis freaks out there-Broker-I kid because I love!). Anyway, good times should be had by all.

This weekend I get to see my friend Sharon who is in town from North Carolina. I am also going to my friend Maggie's house for Stocktoberfest 2007 on Saturday. Should be fun times. Of course, all that fun is still a few days away as it is only Wednesday currently......


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, oh my god--when I call in for that precert on your partial, do I call inpt or outpt services? I'm so confused!!! UR review anyone? I swear I'm the only smart one here today. Can I get 3 days acute inpt on a 45 GAF?? No wonder you shampoo with toothpaste.

KD said...

ok, well I have UHC insurance, can I go to PH at Centerpointe? My friend Christina is the therapist there....thanks SSM intake worker! :)

Broker said...

HA HA!!! I love Elvis and I'm not ashamed to admit it!! I also love Dallas. Few people know that while I was in high school, our chimney caught on fire, but my mom and I had to finish watching Dallas that Friday night before we'd leave the house. How dumb were we? Priorities, people. Woohoo!!

KD said...

oh Broker-that is some good times! Good times....