Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Getting poked and prodded....and I ain't done yet!

Ok, maybe I'm rethinking this decision to go to an allergist and finally get some testing done to see what all I'm allergic to. I say this as I am finally home FIVE hours after my appointment. Yes, it's been a long day. And I haven't even had the skin test done yet. Seems you first have to have a chest x-ray, a sinus x-ray, blood work and a pulmonary test before you can get the skin test done. That, and your body has to be rid of antihistamines for at least five days-this is BS! You mean I gotta live without my Benadryl? My appointment was very thorough-lots of questions and my doctor murmuring "oh yes, you're a classic case" (I was hoping she didn't mean "head case"). She even at one point said "I am very excited to skin test you". Seems she thinks I'm gonna have lots of reactions to the allergens injected into my skin. Yee haw-can't wait for that! My hunch is that the treatment she is gonna recommend is a nasal spray (ick) as they are the best way to address my multi-allergy needs. So, after my appointment, I was shooed off to the x-ray lab for my chest and sinus x-rays. Can anyone tell me why they need to know when your, um, last menstrual cycle was? Uncle Nick-you're a radiologist, can you tell me? Anyway, let me tell you how fun this test was-in order to get a good look at my sinuses, I had to stand against the machine with my mouth wide open, I also had to hold my breath during each shot she took (seems she was dawdling just a bit.....). It wasn't painful, although she made me take my hair down from it's mess on top of my head-the after effect was quite scary, just in time for Halloween! Next was my favorite part-the blood test. Now, needles in and of themselves do not bother me, but for some reason every time I have blood drawn, I get light headed and feel like I'm gonna faint (I actually have fainted Marie Osmond style before while giving blood. Let me tell you, waking up to smelling salts in your face is not fun!). I warned the girl right away of my history so she had me go ahead and lay down-no fainting on her watch! I managed to live through the procedure, a little nausea but no fainting...I'm good to go! I will do the pulmonary test on Saturday morning and will then reconvene at my doctor's office on Nov 19 to complete the skin test-I chose that day because I am off work and she informed me I should "plan on being with us for a couple of hours". Yay.

So.....HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY to my baby cousin Ben! I know you couldn't wait to turn 21, now here's the sad truth-it's all downhill from here! Ha! Just kidding! I love ya cuz-can't wait to see you and Ashlee, have a great and safe birthday!

I'll be doing a lot of birthday shout out's the next couple of months as it seems everyone in my gigantic family was born at the end of the year.

Now it's time to chill for a bit. I am going over to Mike's house around 6 to bake cookies for work tomorrow. Yay! Should be fun!


Broker said...

They ask for your menstrual cycle to see if there is any chance of pregnancy. While donating blood, in order to not pass out, drink a Coke and eat a cookie during the procedure . . . I used to pass out all the time! Ha! Happy Halloween!

Heidi said...

Oh yeah, duh! I had to think about that one for a second. I had those allergy tests done too. I was really allergic to corn stalks. WTF?

Okay and what is this I hear about Mr. Lappin leaving BHR? That just isn't right. That place won't be the same!

Email deets please.