Thursday, October 18, 2007

Game on!

I got up at 5:15 this morning. The sun is not up then. Did you know that? It is quite dark and night-like. I'm operating on little sleep today. I was able to leave the crisis line a bit early last night (still not arriving home until 9pm, however), had to go by the bank, finish up my packing and load up my car. I think I fell asleep somewhere around 11pm....then I tossed and turned a lot of the night and I think I was up for good around I drove bleary eyed to work, I stopped by my friendly neighborhood QuikTrip for some much needed caffeine then braved the St Louis highways in the dark....why is traffic so bad at SIX IN THE MORNING??? Anyway....I'm here, I've already accomplished a lot this morning, so maybe this getting in at 7am thing ain't so bad after all...

The St. Louis Blues may have won back my loyalty. Now, it's still too soon to tell, but with a record of 4-1 they are looking alright. I finally sat down to watch a game last night (granted, it was only the 3rd period, but hey, I was at work all night, give me a break!), the Blues looked impressive, kicking the crap out of those nasty Blackhawks 3-1. Canada-let the smack talking begin! I'm sure your beloved Red Wings (aka Dead Things) are ahead of the Blues currently, but that may change my friend, that may change. Nothing is more fun than talking hockey smack with Canada. Remember the good ol' days of sporting our hockey jerseys and duking it out hockey style in the hallway? I'm talkin' jersey over the head kind of stuff. It was some good times. Lots of cross-checking going, back in the day, I was OBSESSED with hockey. Even more so than my Cubs (it's true!). It all started back in the late '80' sis and I discovered watching hockey was 1. a great way to spend time with our dad and 2. it was FULL of hot guys. It's true. My sister and I LOVED Peter Zezel, I mean LOVED him. That hockey mullet was H-O-T! We loved hockey so much we used to watch Hockey Night in Canada on CBC-hence why, to this day, I know all the words to the Canadian national anthem (Oh Canada, our home and native land....).

So, I have one hour left of work and I am headin' to Texas y'all! Yee haw! My sis informed me of what terminal I will be flying in to so that I won't be retarded at the airport (I may still be retarded but a little less so). I can't wait! I'm ready to see my fam and have some time off! There will be a blogging hiatus, I'm sorry, but it has to happen. We are packing a lot of activities into our long weekend (including an Ikea trip-YES!), so I may not have any quality blogging time. See ya when I get back! Red-tell Miss Chloe that her Auntie is on her way! :)


Anonymous said...

I was more impressed that you knew the Hockey Night In Canada theme song than Oh Canada.

Broker said...

Where you even born in the late 80s?

KD said...

Ha-I knew I loved ya for a reason, Broker! Canada-that Don Cherry sure was a character, wasn't he? Or is that "is" a character? Is he still alive? He was pretty old way back then.....

Anonymous said...

He is still alive and is still doing Coach's Corner on HNIC.