Thursday, March 29, 2007

Yay Canada!

Canada has joined MySpace! Woo hoo! Although I was a bit confused when I got the email stating "Darin" wanted to be my friend......Canada, I forget your real name sometimes, I'm sorry! Maybe I should actually call you Darin, but I've called you Canada for over 10 years, so why quit now?

So, Chris S. got booted from American Idol. Can't say I'm surprised. Word to any future Idol contestants: YOU CAN'T DO STING. NO ONE CAN. SO DON'T EVEN TRY. Thank you.

We've almost made it through another week. We are celebrating our Clinical Director's birthday today. He is Mr. Jokester, so we figured we needed to try to get him somehow (this is the man that has a fart machine in his office, and, yes, he does have a PhD). There is an ongoing joke about him and bananas (I have no idea), so today the hallways are lined with bananas and they are all over his office. We also got him his favorite cake-angel food (whatever), and it will be decorated with swedish fish and hot tamales (disgusting? perhaps....). And someone got him a light up yo-yo. I know, we're not right. But we have fun! And we laugh......a lot!

Happy Thursday everyone!


Anonymous said...

I remember a couple of years ago when I went to a wedding in Kansas City, I thought it would be weird to hear people calling me Canada again since it had been a while since I had been called that (somehow it's not a nickname that stuck up here) but when a couple people down there called me Darin it seemed completely wrong.

KD said...

this is what i saying Canada....I mean,, wait, I mean Canada. Us Americans are not evolved enough to move past your college nickname, therefore, you will forever be Canada to us. Can you imagine when you are like 80 and we are still calling you Canada? good times.