Monday, March 26, 2007

One week!

One week from today my Cubbies will start their season. YAY! I am soooooo excited. I love baseball, love my Cubs and, as usual, hold out the hope that they will be good this year. Don't kill my delusional dream, ok? They are just over .500 in Spring Training, although I should note that over the last few games or so they have shown a lot of improvement. Carlos Zambrano is looking good and is clearly the ace of the pitching staff. I'm pissed I didn't get him on my fantasy team.....Aramis Ramirez is looking good as well (thats MY BOY!!!!). I love it, love it, love it!

So, I've decided to give Text Boy another chance. Since we have actually talked on the phone now and all. We are going out Thursday night. I figure a Thursday isn't as big of a committment as, say, a "date nite", like Fri or Sat. That way, there's no pressure. So, we'll see how it goes. Considering I don't NEED a man to make me happy, I am not stressing about this at all. If it works and we start dating, great. If not, I'll be fine. Don't you love my positive new attitude? I actually mean it. My life is great right now, I have no complaints.

We are slaaaaamed at work today. It was apparently a good weekend to get admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit. What is wrong with people???? I have to work the crisis line tonight too, so that should be fun. A nice, looooooooooong day. Can't wait.

Mike and I are looking for jobs where we get paid to sit and look pretty......anyone know of any openings? Thanks.

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